ClicBot currently sold out everywhere!


Staff member
I was thinking of purchasing ClicBot but I noticed ClicBot is currently sold out on the Keyi tech website and the Amazon shop!
Could this shortage be due to Keyi focusing on Loona production at the moment to meet demand created by the Indiegogo and Makuake campaigns?
No, it's just that the clicbait has major issues with its battery and charging. If you look into it, owners are reporting the robot does not work on arrival or they can no longer charge the head of the unit. I personally had this bad experience (unit was dead on arrival).
No, it's just that the clicbait has major issues with its battery and charging. If you look into it, owners are reporting the robot does not work on arrival or they can no longer charge the head of the unit. I personally had this bad experience (unit was dead on arrival).
Was your ClicBot from the Kickstarter campaign or did you purchase from the Keyirobot site?

When you say “has major issues with its battery and charging” what are you specifically referring to?

Where can I find more info on this? Do you have any photos or proof to back up your claims? Thanks.