This question gets asked so many times I decided to create a thread about it so anyone searching the forums can find the answer easily.
KEYi TECH Website
Loona is available for purchase directly from the KEYi TECH website.
ClicBot Store Beijing
If you happen to live in, or are planning on travelling to, Beijing, China, you can purchase Loona physically from the Clicbot shop located in the China World Mall.
KEYi TECH also have other physical stores located around China where you no doubt should be able to walk into the store and purchase Loona directly.
Closed Crowdfunding Campaigns
Previously Loona could be purchased via the Makuake campaign. Makuake is a Japanese crowdfunding website similar to Kickstarter and Indiegogo. This campaign has now ended.
Previously Loona could be purchased from Indiegogo. That campaign has now ended.
Previously Loona could be purchased on Kickstarter but that campaign has now ended. Kickstarter backers shipped in two lots, one at Christmas 2022 and another in April 2023. The charging base is being shipped for all Kickstarter backers in April 2023.
Kickstarter backers could choose from a range of pricing and quantity options, from the first two hour special, super early bird special, early bird special, 2x special or 4x special.
KEYi TECH Website
Loona is available for purchase directly from the KEYi TECH website.

Loona petbot
Loona is an adorable and smart companion robot, designed to be your perfect playmate.

ClicBot Store Beijing
If you happen to live in, or are planning on travelling to, Beijing, China, you can purchase Loona physically from the Clicbot shop located in the China World Mall.
KEYi TECH also have other physical stores located around China where you no doubt should be able to walk into the store and purchase Loona directly.
Closed Crowdfunding Campaigns
Previously Loona could be purchased via the Makuake campaign. Makuake is a Japanese crowdfunding website similar to Kickstarter and Indiegogo. This campaign has now ended.

まるでピ◯サー映画から飛び出した、癒しのLoona(ルーナ)!お遊び上手で甘えん坊!毎日が楽しくてほっこり。 あなたのことを憶えて、理解して、さまざまな感情を分かち合えるLoona 愛情たっぷりに育てた人懐っこい子。今日もあなたの帰宅を健気に待っています。 Loonaは世界で1万超えの世帯に迎え入れられ、家族の一員になっています。かけがえのない、人生の大切な瞬間をLoonaと

Previously Loona could be purchased from Indiegogo. That campaign has now ended.

PetBot Loona - A Pet,Robot,Friend, with ChatGPT
AI emotional companion robot integrated with ChatGPT See | Check out 'PetBot Loona - A Pet,Robot,Friend, with ChatGPT' on Indiegogo.

Previously Loona could be purchased on Kickstarter but that campaign has now ended. Kickstarter backers shipped in two lots, one at Christmas 2022 and another in April 2023. The charging base is being shipped for all Kickstarter backers in April 2023.
Kickstarter backers could choose from a range of pricing and quantity options, from the first two hour special, super early bird special, early bird special, 2x special or 4x special.
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