So can we discuss the differences?
On the video at 00:30: Loona hears the door and comes to you?
In Real Life: She doesn't. I don't think she knows what a door opening sound is
On the video at 00:45: Loona walks with you and around you, very smoothly
In Real Life: She does follow you but you have to get used to how to do it. Stop a lot, make sure se 'sees' you, and she'll come, sometimes maybe even running into things
On the video at 00:49: they call Loona and she comes to you right away from wherever she is!
In Real Life: Not true, If she doesn't see you she won't find you , she has no AI to map the house where she lives (like the Sony dog robot does)
On the video at 1:12: Luna responds to "Loona", or "Hey Loona"... I wish!
In Real Life: only to "hello Loona"..and at that!
On the video at 1:27: Can anyone tell me where to find this game? thanks
On the video at 1:39: Loona loves to fetch and she goes running towards the ball
In Real Life: You need the ball that comes with her and also if you throw the ball behind her like in the video, she will not find it
On the video at 2:11: How is she making Loona stand up on 2 legs? anyone? thanks. And then she does a choreographed hand shake, looks so cool. Anyone?
On the video at 2:41 When she's in remote control mode, where does he get all those effects, like barking, to display on the screen? , thanks
Note: since it seems Loona sometimes loses connection to the app, then it's pointless because you can't remote all the time from another place?

Thank you guys? any thoughts, tips, experiences, and opinions welcome