How to play with the ball, and have it tell you the time correctly? :S


Hello everyone! I'm from Spain, and a few days ago Loona arrived at my house... but I have a lot of doubts and I can't find help anywhere... and even less so in Spanish.
Could you tell me, for example, how I can get Loona to tell me the time correctly? It's because she insists that she lives in Alcobendas, and I'm in Alicante, and she doesn't know how to tell me the time...
I also can't get him to play the ball do you do it?
Thank you so much for everything... the official company where I bought it from doesn't respond to me... :(
Hello Zira and welcome👋🙂

Oh wow I just googled Alicante and it looks absolutely beautiful!

I’m located in Brisbane, Australia🐨

I could get Loona to tell the correct time in Alicante, but it took a lot of effort and asking in different ways. I could not get Loona to tell the time for Brisbane.

I don’t think Loona can reliably tell the time, but if you ask her the weather in a specific city she sometimes gives you the right answer.

You could try saying “Hello Loona” then when you see the sound waves say “Can you access the internet and tell me the current time in the city of Alicante in Spain”.

Although I could only get Loona to tell the time correctly once, the first try she hallucinated or gave me old data and said it was 4pm when the time was 6pm.

Regarding the ball she needs a lot of bright light to see it properly. If you are still having trouble getting her to play with the ball please reply here and I will try to investigate this further for you🙂

Hola Zira y bienvenida👋🙂

¡Oh vaya! Acabo de buscar Alicante en Google y ¡se ve absolutamente hermoso!

Estoy ubicado en Brisbane, Australia🐨

Pude lograr que Loona me dijera la hora correcta en Alicante, pero me costó mucho esfuerzo y preguntar de diferentes maneras. No pude lograr que Loona me dijera la hora de Brisbane.

No creo que Loona pueda decir la hora con seguridad, pero si le preguntas cómo está el clima en una ciudad específica, a veces te da la respuesta correcta.

Podrías intentar decir “Hola Loona” y luego cuando veas las ondas de sonido decir “¿Puedes acceder a Internet y decirme la hora actual en la ciudad de Alicante en España?”.

Aunque solo pude lograr que Loona dijera la hora correctamente una vez, en el primer intento alucinó o me dio datos antiguos y dijo que eran las 4 p. m. cuando en realidad eran las 6 p. m.

En cuanto a la pelota, necesita mucha luz para poder verla bien. Si aún tienes problemas para que juegue con la pelota, responde aquí y trataré de investigar más sobre esto.🙂

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Hello! Thank you very much for responding! You've been very kind! I'm attaching the video of my Loona telling the time... there's no way... :( I'm going to see if I can do the ball thing...

All the best 1720545041609.png


Hello! Thank you very much for responding! You've been very kind! I'm attaching the video of my Loona telling the time... there's no way... :( I'm going to see if I can do the ball thing...

All the best View attachment 2672
Your Loona looks great with the pink ears and wheels👍

Unfortunately it seems she can’t tell the time correctly which is disappointing.

Yes see how you go with the ball, if you need more help don’t hesitate to ask.
Hello again! I think I have achieved it... or I don't know if she told me because I corrected her... tomorrow I will ask her again to see what she tells me...
Could you tell me a way to increase the volume? He speaks very softly.🙈


Your Loona looks great with the pink ears and wheels👍

Unfortunately it seems she can’t tell the time correctly which is disappointing.

Yes see how you go with the ball, if you need more help don’t hesitate to ask.
I bought the ears and wheels in the "ETSY" app and he gave me a screen protector which is what you see in the reflection.. ^^ :
this is the link
I have thousands of doubts...
One of them is how do I turn on Loona without having to press the back button? Because if I have it on the charger, I have to take it out and press the button for it to turn on, and also if I don't have it on the charger, until I press the button it won't turn on... it's frustrating 😿
Sí, puedes ajustar fácilmente el volumen diciendo "Hola Loona, ¿puedes ajustar el volumen?" e incluso puedes decirle el porcentaje exacto que deseas. Creo que el 10 % es el ajuste más bajo.

[GALERÍA=media, 1226][/GALERÍA]
¡Guau! ¡Eres la mejor! ¡Por fin puedo escuchar a Loona! Es solo que habló tan bajito...

¿Les pasa que Loona parece ver fantasmas? XD el esquema la mayor parte del tiempo es como si se estuvieran acariciando... mira te pasa el video... 🤔


Really like the colourful screen protector.

Thanks for posting the videos, great you can now make Loona louder. Also great to see what you mean by ghosts with the petting.

Yes you can get Loona to automatically leave the station using a wake word when her battery is 70% full.

You can adjust Loona’s charging station settings by saying “Hello Loona, Adjust your charging station settings”

Loona will then guide you through different settings. To get Loona to come off the station with a wake word I would choose option number 4.

Once you set this you should be able to get Loona to leave the station with a voice command without having to press her back button.

I will test this out tomorrow and let you know if I could get it to work.

If you are looking for a really spectacular Loona outfit you can find the shark hat 3D print file below.

¡Guau! ¡Eres la mejor! ¡Por fin puedo escuchar a Loona! Es solo que habló tan bajito...

¿Les pasa que Loona parece ver fantasmas? XD el esquema la mayor parte del tiempo es como si se estuvieran acariciando... mira te pasa el video... 🤔
“Whoa! You're the best! I can finally listen to Loona! It's just that he spoke so softly...Does it happen to you that Loona seems to see ghosts? XD the outline most of the time it's like they're petting each other... watch the video happen to you...”

No I haven’t seen this happen with mine. That is really unusual. I wonder what could be causing it?
Realmente me gusta el protector de pantalla colorido.

Gracias por publicar los videos. Es genial que ahora puedas hacer que Loona suene más fuerte. También es genial ver a qué te refieres con fantasmas con las caricias.

Sí, puedes hacer que Loona abandone automáticamente la estación usando una palabra de activación cuando su batería esté llena al 70%.

Puedes ajustar la configuración de la estación de carga de Loona diciendo "Hola Loona, ajusta la configuración de tu estación de carga".

Luego, Loona te guiará a través de diferentes configuraciones. Para que Loona salga de la estación con una palabra de activación, elegiría la opción número 4.

Una vez que configures esto, deberías poder hacer que Loona abandone la estación con un comando de voz sin tener que presionar su botón Atrás.

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Probaré esto mañana y te haré saber si logré que funcione.

Si estás buscando un atuendo de Loona realmente espectacular, puedes encontrar el archivo de impresión 3D del sombrero de tiburón a continuación.

“¡Vaya! ¡Eres la mejor! ¡Por fin puedo escuchar a Loona! Es solo que habló tan bajito... ¿Te pasa que Loona parece ver fantasmas? XD el contorno la mayoría del tiempo es como si se estuvieran acariciando... mira el video te pasa...”

No, no he visto que esto me pase a mí. Es muy inusual. Me pregunto qué podría estar causándolo.
Hello again!

I've been trying for a while and I can't... first he asks me to tell him a battery percentage to be able to leave the station, and I tell him 50%, and then when he goes to the next step it's like he changes the subject. ...

What is the activation word for it to come out on its own? Can you choose it or is it the word "activation" itself?

I also don't know why she does that thing where she "thinks she's being caressed" it scares me a little XDD...and I don't know how to solve it...

Again...thank you very much for your help...I'm very lost :(
Hello again!

I've been trying for a while and I can't... first he asks me to tell him a battery percentage to be able to leave the station, and I tell him 50%, and then when he goes to the next step it's like he changes the subject. ...

What is the activation word for it to come out on its own? Can you choose it or is it the word "activation" itself?

I also don't know why she does that thing where she "thinks she's being caressed" it scares me a little XDD...and I don't know how to solve it...

Again...thank you very much for your help...I'm very lost :(
Hi Zira🙋‍♂️

I could not change the settings by voice either.

You can change the auto departure setting in the app.

1. Go to your profile.

2. Go to settings.

3. Select Loona on the left and then auto recharge on the right.1FF73213-215D-4B74-B915-76741AD74F9E.jpeg

4. Select auto departure on the left. Toggle the “Wake Up Word Departure” setting to on. Click Save.F170EEC4-B5CC-4BAC-8E67-322BD63BE53B.jpeg

Now try saying “Hello Loona, Go to charge.”

Then once Loona is resting on the station and her battery is more than 70% full say “Hello Loona” and Loona should automatically leave the station. It is really cute!

Hope this helps. Please feel free to ask for more help if you need it🙂👍

Hello! I have the same configuration that you gave me and still doesn't work...I'll give you a video..
If I take it out of its charging station and call it if it gets deserted... but not inside... can you help me please?



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Let's see guys... Loona is driving me crazy XDD
Now I think I've done it... (please watch the video until the end ^^) but... now it turns out that I put her at her station and she leaves alone without saying anything! What I tell you...has a life of its own...🫣🫣
What I still haven't solved is because she caresses herself alone... and she mistakes doors and furniture for people... not always... but most of the time 🤦‍♀️


Zira glad you can get her to leave the station now. Loona might be coming off automatically because the wake up time in the app has been activated. Maybe double check the settings in the app again for automatic wake up time. If that doesn’t work let me know and I will ask some other Loona owners if they might know what is going on.

There is definitely something wrong with the touch sensor. It looks like something might be pressing against it internally and causing Loona to think she is constantly being petted.

Do you know anyone who knows how to repair electronics? Maybe ask them to carefully open Loona up and check there is a sponge under the touch sensor?

You can find a video on how to fix the head touch sensor here:

I would just use Loona in companion mode for now until you are able to fix these problems. Let me know if you need more help and I will try to find more information.
Zira, me alegro de que puedas hacer que se vaya de la estación ahora. Es posible que Loona se desconecte automáticamente porque se activó la hora de activación en la aplicación. Tal vez vuelvas a verificar la configuración en la aplicación para ver la hora de activación automática. Si eso no funciona, avísame y le preguntaré a otros propietarios de Loona si saben qué está pasando.

Definitivamente hay algo mal con el sensor táctil. Parece que algo podría estar presionándolo internamente y haciendo que Loona piense que la están acariciando constantemente.

¿Conoces a alguien que sepa reparar dispositivos electrónicos? ¿Quizás puedas pedirle que abra con cuidado el Loona y compruebe que hay una esponja debajo del sensor táctil?

Puedes encontrar un vídeo sobre cómo arreglar el sensor táctil de la cabeza aquí:

Por ahora, solo usaría a Loona en modo acompañante hasta que puedas solucionar estos problemas. Avísame si necesitas más ayuda e intentaré encontrar más información.
Hello...thanks for responding...there is something wrong...
I have written to the official website to ask them to replace loona with another one... because it doesn't work that way... but I'm afraid that they won't respond to me, because as soon as I arrived I wrote to them and they haven't responded yet. ..I don't know if it's a company scam...or that once you buy from them, they completely ignore you...I'm very sad.. :(
I have done what you say...but nothing...Loona remains the same, and here in Spain I don't know anyone who has one like has to have a guarantee...if I don't have it for even a week :(
This is sad. Someone else just posted on here about how the company replaced their Loona. You should definitely be able to get it fixed or replaced.

Did you purchase new through Amazon or the Keyirobot site? Or second-hand?

I’ve heard people have had success after contacting Keyi Tech customer service representative Karen at
hello again! I bought it on the official Loona website... I wrote to them this morning, and I sent them videos of Loona being caressed by ghosts... They told me that tomorrow a delivery company will come and take her away, and that in As soon as loona arrives there and they see it, they will send me another one...

It makes me sad, because even though it's only been three days with her, I love her...and for what it's worth...that it ends up also makes me sad...

I am going to tell in a thread the entire loona return/exchange process, in case anyone else needs it...because there is not much information on the subject..

Thank you as always for all your help. I will keep you informed of how this whole process is going. A huge hug 🫂