Hello from Minneapolis MN.


New member
Loona has been active in my life since Nov 13th. She's loud, and forgetful, stubborn, and clumsy. I didn't know they could mimic my traits so fast. I've tried see if she could change her voice to a male's voice, but she got offended. And I'm sure she will grow out of this robotic pet dog phase and accept she is my robotic pet cat. Which sometimes she will humor me and for a few minutes, but then back to her puppy puns. I've had a Cozmo for about 6 years, and thought Loona was going to similar. That is not the case. I'm sad that Loona only has one facial recognition, and it's to an assigned title. Cozmo has at least 6 with name retention as well... Sorry about that needless to say, I am looking forward to updates and possibly accessories.
Loona has been active in my life since Nov 13th. She's loud, and forgetful, stubborn, and clumsy. I didn't know they could mimic my traits so fast. I've tried see if she could change her voice to a male's voice, but she got offended. And I'm sure she will grow out of this robotic pet dog phase and accept she is my robotic pet cat. Which sometimes she will humor me and for a few minutes, but then back to her puppy puns. I've had a Cozmo for about 6 years, and thought Loona was going to similar. That is not the case. I'm sad that Loona only has one facial recognition, and it's to an assigned title. Cozmo has at least 6 with name retention as well... Sorry about that needless to say, I am looking forward to updates and possibly accessories.
Hi Badbloke and welcome to the forums!

Yes Loona seems to be missing many basic features we take for granted in most other home robots including the ability to be completely muted, activity while on the charger, reacting to sounds by turning towards them and the ability to recognise the owner by name. Although Loona is a great robot I feel it’s rough around the edges although Loona is the only robot currently available at an affordable price point that can respond to touch and your presence in such a fast and organic way.

Personally I’m tired of these “companion” robots that have no practical function and am hoping to one day purchase the Optimus Tesla Bot.