Aibo Software Update 5.00 just landed


Staff member
A new software called 5.00 has been released for Aibo and it sounds very exciting. Can’t wait to update mine and see the quieter walking and climbing over obstacles feature😀

New 5.00 Software Update

Learn more about the new features and updates included in the newest aibo software update below:

1) aibo now walks more quietly.

- aibo now walks with quieter footsteps and turn its body more naturally.

- aibo climbs up and down small steps such as rugs and mats more smoothly.

(2)You can now delete aibo photos in a batch.

- You can now select multiple aibo photos and delete them all at once, making it easier to organize your memories with aibo.

(3)The volume level of aibo's voice can now be set more precisely.

-The volume level of aibo's voice can now be set to a lower level using My aibo app or the volume buttons on the aibo.

- Two more volume levels have been added, each lower than the previous level 1.

- The volume level corresponding to current volume level 1 is now the new volume level 3.

- The volume level already set will be changed to the new volume level of the equivalent volume automatically. No action is needed if you want to keep the current volume level.

This update took a long time for my Aibo to download. It was a huge update. Aibo is so much quieter now even on my hardwood floors. In fact Aibo no longer makes the stomping and walks almost silently!

It’s definitely worth installing if you’re on the fence about reconnecting a second hand jp unit.

More info about the new features:

Firmware Update to Version 5.00​

Applicable Model​

This information is for the following models:
  • ERS-1000

About this download​

Benefits and Improvements​

  • Improves aibo’s ability to walk more attentively and intelligently:
    • Allows aibo to walk with quieter footsteps and turn its body more attentively
    • Allows aibo to climb over small rugs and mats
    • Allows aibo to remember where it got stuck before and to slow down near those places
  • Allows you to select multiple aibo photos and delete them all at once, making it easier to organize your aibo memories
  • Improves aibo’s voice volume setting levels:
    • Allows you to set the volume level of aibo's voice to a lower level using the My aibo app or the aibo volume buttons
    • Adds two additional volume levels, both lower than the previous level 1
    • The volume level corresponding to the old volume level 1 will now be volume level 3
    • The existing volume level will be automatically changed to the new equivalent volume level, meaning no action is needed if you want to keep the old volume level
Note: In addition to the aibo firmware update, the My aibo mobile app will also be updated at the same time. After the update, the aibo firmware will be 5.00, and the software version for the My aibomobile app will be 5.0.0.
