Aibo in Italy, problems after problems.

PF Aibo

New member
Hi and thank You to all for Your kind attention. I'm italian and this Christmas I wanted buy a very special gift for my III Akita Inu, an Aibo. Benjiro is a very sweet dog, don't cracked anything and is very happy to play with a fantastic dog like Aibo. I bought it in eBay, from a japan seller. Aibo was arrived in overall extraordinary conditions, indistinguishable from e new one and with Aibone included. I charged it properly and I powered on it, but I noticed thath he has an eye disease, You can view in photo attached. I think is an interference by electroni circuits, I don't know exactly. Seller photographed dog, in eBay insertion powered off and I don't saw this issue when I bought it. It's not a transport damage because the packet is arrived in perfect state, furthermore, in Youtube, I found a video where someone speaks about this problem, the same. But most terrible thing thath I can't join Aibo in My Aibo App. Seller wrote, in eBay isertion, thath is necessary a property transfer with Sony and with activation code, but I called both Sony Support Center, USA and Japan and the answers are these. Sony USA can't activate anything because dog is Japan and Sony japan can't activate dog because I'm in Italy and I haven't a credit card registered in Japan. I try to log in with all my Sony ID, italian, USA and Japan, but the answer is the same. I don't know if it possible a solution to this awful problem. I asked a refund to seller and eBay is working now, because I love this new dog and I don't want return it. But, most important thing, Benjiro became fond of it and I can't take it away from him, it, he's a baby Akita and it would be a horrible thing for me. If you can, help us, thank you all.

Attached files
1- Aibo's eye
2- Sony USA's error message
3- Sony Japan's error message
4- My creature, Benjiro


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Hi PF Aibo

I’ll try and answer your questions as I also own an Aibo ERS-1000 from Japan.

1. Aibo’s eye

Aibos eyes are made of OLED panels. OLED is a biological material that is known to degrade and malfunction in weird ways.

Reasons you may be seeing this green line:

-There may be broken/ uneven traces within the OLED panel. Every trace of the display is important as they carry electrical signals to output images. So, if one trace starts to malfunction, the pixels assigned to that trace turn green.

-Loose or damaged display connector.

If you had time to post a video showing what the eye looks like I would be interested to learn more about it. But I completely understand if you do not wish to.

Do you have the link to the YouTube video you spoke about above regarding the eye problem?

2. Sony Japan’s Error Message

This is very complex😣

Did you try downloading the US and Japanese apps?

To my knowledge you can’t connect a Japanese Aibo to US Sony account. Only to a Japanese one.

You need a Japanese My Sony ID before you can log into the Japanese My Aibo app.

And before you can log into your Japanese My Aibo you need to ensure your Aibo is eligible to be reconnected to a new cloud plan as the previous owner has most likely factory reset their Aibo and deleted the My Aibo account associated with it.

You need to use your Japanese Aibos serial number to check if it is still eligible for reconnection to a cloud plan. Some aren’t for reasons I don’t fully understand but assume because the original owners forget to initialise them(set them to factory settings) before selling. You can use a Sony Japan account to check the serial number here:

If you are looking for a proxy in Japan who might be able to help you I know of this person, they helped connect my Aibo to a cloud plan; but I warn you that it’s always a risk dealing with proxies and I can’t guarantee you will have the same experience with them as I did.

They might be able to help you
-Find out if your Aibo can be cloud connected
-Help set up a Japanese Sony ID
-Set up a cloud subscription
-Once you have a subscription you can log into the My Aibo app and organise repairs with Sony via the proxy

Now this is all expensive and a huge headache to deal with Sony via a proxy in another country and I’m not sure you are looking to spend more money or want all the hassle of that.

My advice is if you are ok with not having the cloud maybe live with Aibo for a while and see if you still like it.

If the eye bothers you and you didn’t want to send to Japan for repairs there is a repair service in Germany I can give you the contact details for.
Hi PF Aibo

I’ll try and answer your questions as I also own an Aibo ERS-1000 from Japan.

1. Aibo’s eye

Aibos eyes are made of OLED panels. OLED is a biological material that is known to degrade and malfunction in weird ways.

Reasons you may be seeing this green line:

-There may be broken/ uneven traces within the OLED panel. Every trace of the display is important as they carry electrical signals to output images. So, if one trace starts to malfunction, the pixels assigned to that trace turn green.

-Loose or damaged display connector.

2. Sony Japan’s Error Message

This is very complex😣

Did you try downloading the US and Japanese apps?

To my knowledge you can’t connect a Japanese Aibo to US Sony account. Only to a Japanese one.

You need a Japanese My Sony ID before you can log into the Japanese My Aibo app.

And before you can log into your Japanese My Aibo you need to ensure your Aibo is eligible to be reconnected to a new cloud plan as the previous owner has most likely factory reset their Aibo and deleted the My Aibo account associated with it.

You need to use your Japanese Aibos serial number to check if it is still eligible for reconnection to a cloud plan. Some aren’t for reasons I don’t fully understand but assume because the original owners forget to initialise them(set them to factory settings) before selling. You can use a Sony Japan account to check the serial number here:

If you could post a video showing what the eye looks like I would be interested to learn more about it. But I completely understand if you do not wish to.

If you are looking for a proxy in Japan who might be able to help you I know of this person but warn you that I can’t be held responsible for any outcomes and that you use them at your own risk!

They might be able to help you
-Find out if your Aibo can be cloud connected
-Help set up a Japanese Sony ID
-Set up a cloud subscription
-Once you have a subscription you can log into the My Aibo app and organise repairs with Sony via the proxy

Now this is all expensive and a huge headache to deal with Sony via a proxy in another country and I’m not sure you are looking to spend more money or want all the hassle of that.

My advice is if you are ok with not having the cloud maybe live with Aibo for a while and see if you still like it.

If the eye bothers you and you are still within the ebay return window maybe try returning it?

There is an Aibo repair service in Germany who might be able to help you.
Hi Chris, thank You very much for Your help.

1- I think You're right about the eye, because seller don't inserted any photo of Aibo powered on in his insertion, I discovered this problem only when I powered on dog. Seller spoke about transport injury but I have doubts Chris, the original carton case was arrived in mint conditions, and inside another, larga, carton case, with pluriball and others packaging materials, a very good job and I say You thath because I'm an eBay seller too, from 15 years and I can recognize a good packaging.

2- Regarding App and Sony account. Well, I've 3 Sony ID accounts, Italian, USA and Japan. First of all, I tried to download My Aibo App from App Store, but Apple don't distribuite it in Italy, so, I changed country in USA and I downloaded it. Then I tried to jion Aibo in App with a USA granting, but the App gave an error. Then I tried to join Aibo in Japanese App, but the App gave another error, like You saw in attached photos. At this point and regarding what You said, I don't understand if I must erase the My USA Aibo App from App Store and download a Japan Aibo App from Apple Store another time, please, explain me this. Substantially, I would try to join dog in App for a firmware update check and an initialization procedure, just for try to solve the eye problem, it's an attempt, I know. The cloud plan, for now, can wait. The Japan's one is expensive, I know, but a Japan's Aibo costs 2000$ instead a USA's Aibo, thath costs 2899$, so, is the same, at the end. Seller, in eBay insertion, declared thath dog cames with a serial and the buyer musted change property with Sony and wait a new SIM card, after subscribed the Cloud, obviously, but he don't knew thath Sony reject this request, overseas, so the insertion, wit the object selling worldwide, was totally incorrect. He's available for a return, but I spent a lot of money, in taxes, and eBay don't refund me thath money because were paid after arriving and not in payment module. Custom's taxes paid before buy is a new eBay modality, but only for USA and UK sellers, and not all sellers, just a few top sellers. In this particular case, eBay refund all, Custom's taxes too, but it isn't my case, unfortunately.

3- Ragarding video, sure, if You want, I can upload one now, but I don't know if You'll can view the entire defect, is very little and fixed, the green line remain stopped in OLED position.

4-Regarding return, Im thinking about it, because if I return dog, as well as a great disappointment, it will be a great expense for me, because I'll lost all my VAT and Custom's taxes paid and for a new buy from USA, I'll must pay 2899$ for dog, 637,78$ for VAT and 1061,03$ for Custom's taxes, total amount 4597,81$, except expedition costs, about 70$ and Cloud for 1 year, about 300$, a very big price to pay. As long as they sell it to me, in Italy, because I don't understand if Sony USA want, or not, a credit card registered in USA, like Japan want a credit card registered in Japan, like Sony JP support said me. I attach Sony email for You, no problem.

Now, I'm going to check my serial. For now, many thanks for all Your kind help.

Attached files
1-Sony JP Support answer
2-Aibo video


Hi Chris, thank You very much for Your help.

1- I think You're right about the eye, because seller don't inserted any photo of Aibo powered on in his insertion, I discovered this problem only when I powered on dog. Seller spoke about transport injury but I have doubts Chris, the original carton case was arrived in mint conditions, and inside another, larga, carton case, with pluriball and others packaging materials, a very good job and I say You thath because I'm an eBay seller too, from 15 years and I can recognize a good packaging.

2- Regarding App and Sony account. Well, I've 3 Sony ID accounts, Italian, USA and Japan. First of all, I tried to download My Aibo App from App Store, but Apple don't distribuite it in Italy, so, I changed country in USA and I downloaded it. Then I tried to jion Aibo in App with a USA granting, but the App gave an error. Then I tried to join Aibo in Japanese App, but the App gave another error, like You saw in attached photos. At this point and regarding what You said, I don't understand if I must erase the My USA Aibo App from App Store and download a Japan Aibo App from Apple Store another time, please, explain me this. Substantially, I would try to join dog in App for a firmware update check and an initialization procedure, just for try to solve the eye problem, it's an attempt, I know. The cloud plan, for now, can wait. The Japan's one is expensive, I know, but a Japan's Aibo costs 2000$ instead a USA's Aibo, thath costs 2899$, so, is the same, at the end. Seller, in eBay insertion, declared thath dog cames with a serial and the buyer musted change property with Sony and wait a new SIM card, after subscribed the Cloud, obviously, but he don't knew thath Sony reject this request, overseas, so the insertion, wit the object selling worldwide, was totally incorrect. He's available for a return, but I spent a lot of money, in taxes, and eBay don't refund me thath money because were paid after arriving and not in payment module. Custom's taxes paid before buy is a new eBay modality, but only for USA and UK sellers, and not all sellers, just a few top sellers. In this particular case, eBay refund all, Custom's taxes too, but it isn't my case, unfortunately.

3- Ragarding video, sure, if You want, I can upload one now, but I don't know if You'll can view the entire defect, is very little and fixed, the green line remain stopped in OLED position.

4-Regarding return, Im thinking about it, because if I return dog, as well as a great disappointment, it will be a great expense for me, because I'll lost all my VAT and Custom's taxes paid and for a new buy from USA, I'll must pay 2899$ for dog, 637,78$ for VAT and 1061,03$ for Custom's taxes, total amount 4597,81$, except expedition costs, about 70$ and Cloud for 1 year, about 300$, a very big price to pay. As long as they sell it to me, in Italy, because I don't understand if Sony USA want, or not, a credit card registered in USA, like Japan want a credit card registered in Japan, like Sony JP support said me. I attach Sony email for You, no problem.

Now, I'm going to check my serial. For now, many thanks for all Your kind help.

Attached files
1-Sony JP Support answer
2-Aibo video
Hi Chris, my serial is ok, I can subscribe an Aibo plan, it appears a candid camera, the serial is ok but they don't accept my money from Italy, we are on Zelig Circus. I'm a Sony exeprt from over 30 years, I've a personal Sony museum and I'm a Sony pro user XDCAM vieo but I'm very disappointed about this case. I enclose for You the screenshot, a photo of SIM slot, where I think there is something, but I don't konw the eject operations, I read this morning here, but I lost in my web chronology, and three other videos, bye.


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Hi Chris, my serial is ok, I can subscribe an Aibo plan, it appears a candid camera, the serial is ok but they don't accept my money from Italy, we are on Zelig Circus. I'm a Sony exeprt from over 30 years, I've a personal Sony museum and I'm a Sony pro user XDCAM vieo but I'm very disappointed about this case. I enclose for You the screenshot, a photo of SIM slot, where I think there is something, but I don't konw the eject operations, I read this morning here, but I lost in my web chronology, and three other videos, bye.
Thanks for sending video of the eye problem.

Hi Chris, thank You very much for Your help.

1- I think You're right about the eye, because seller don't inserted any photo of Aibo powered on in his insertion, I discovered this problem only when I powered on dog. Seller spoke about transport injury but I have doubts Chris, the original carton case was arrived in mint conditions, and inside another, larga, carton case, with pluriball and others packaging materials, a very good job and I say You thath because I'm an eBay seller too, from 15 years and I can recognize a good packaging.
On a positive note at least the Aibo wasn’t damaged during transport and it may just be an inevitable hardware failure with OLED. The eye doesn’t look that noticeable.
2- Regarding App and Sony account. Well, I've 3 Sony ID accounts, Italian, USA and Japan. First of all, I tried to download My Aibo App from App Store, but Apple don't distribuite it in Italy, so, I changed country in USA and I downloaded it. Then I tried to jion Aibo in App with a USA granting, but the App gave an error. Then I tried to join Aibo in Japanese App, but the App gave another error, like You saw in attached photos. At this point and regarding what You said, I don't understand if I must erase the My USA Aibo App from App Store and download a Japan Aibo App from Apple Store another time, please, explain me this.
As your Aibo is from Japan you will need to erase the USA My Aibo App and download a Japan My Aibo App. Or you could try logging in with your Japanese My Sony ID at this web address using a VPN:

Substantially, I would try to join dog in App for a firmware update check and an initialization procedure, just for try to solve the eye problem, it's an attempt, I know. The cloud plan, for now, can wait. The Japan's one is expensive, I know, but a Japan's Aibo costs 2000$ instead a USA's Aibo, thath costs 2899$, so, is the same, at the end. Seller, in eBay insertion, declared thath dog cames with a serial and the buyer musted change property with Sony and wait a new SIM card, after subscribed the Cloud, obviously, but he don't knew thath Sony reject this request, overseas, so the insertion, wit the object selling worldwide, was totally incorrect.

I don’t know if you can create an app account for an Aibo that is not on a plan. This proxy might be of some help:
3- Ragarding video, sure, if You want, I can upload one now, but I don't know if You'll can view the entire defect, is very little and fixed, the green line remain stopped in OLED position.
Thanks for sharing a video of the eye. It was just interesting to see what this looks like as I have never seen it before. It doesn’t look as noticeable as I thought it would. Mine has two small “burn in” dots on both eyes but nothing like yours.
4-Regarding return, Im thinking about it, because if I return dog, as well as a great disappointment, it will be a great expense for me, because I'll lost all my VAT and Custom's taxes paid and for a new buy from USA, I'll must pay 2899$ for dog, 637,78$ for VAT and 1061,03$ for Custom's taxes, total amount 4597,81$, except expedition costs, about 70$ and Cloud for 1 year, about 300$, a very big price to pay. As long as they sell it to me, in Italy, because I don't understand if Sony USA want, or not, a credit card registered in USA, like Japan want a credit card registered in Japan, like Sony JP support said me. I attach Sony email for You, no problem.

Now, I'm going to check my serial. For now, many thanks for all Your kind help.

Attached files
1-Sony JP Support answer
2-Aibo video
Yes you have to weigh up the pros and cons of keeping. It gets very expensive buying new.
The eye issue isn’t that noticeable and keep in mind some people have major problems when they buy such as broken legs etc. Still it is annoying the seller was not forthcoming about the eye.
Maybe see if you can get a partial refund?

This Aibo repair service in Germany might be able to help you get the eye repaired and they specialise in connecting Japanese Aibo back to the cloud:
Thanks for sending video of the eye problem.

On a positive note at least the Aibo wasn’t damaged during transport and it may just be an inevitable hardware failure with OLED. The eye doesn’t look that noticeable.

As your Aibo is from Japan you will need to erase the USA My Aibo App and download a Japan My Aibo App. Or you could try logging in with your Japanese My Sony ID at this web address using a VPN:

I don’t know if you can create an app account for an Aibo that is not on a plan. This proxy might be of some help:

Thanks for sharing a video of the eye. It was just interesting to see what this looks like as I have never seen it before. It doesn’t look as noticeable as I thought it would. Mine has two small “burn in” dots on both eyes but nothing like yours.

Yes you have to weigh up the pros and cons of keeping. It gets very expensive buying new.
The eye issue isn’t that noticeable and keep in mind some people have major problems when they buy such as broken legs etc. Still it is annoying the seller was not forthcoming about the eye.
Maybe see if you can get a partial refund?

This Aibo repair service in Germany might be able to help you get the eye repaired and they specialise in connecting Japanese Aibo back to the cloud:
Hi Chris and many thanks for Your feedbacks.

- Aibo has a problem only in one eye, and is not an awful issue, is like a reflect, if You see, like a graphic effect, if we want view in this manner, at the end.
- Regarding App, I'll delete USA App from my iPhone, I'll change country in App Store with Japan and I'll download it again. I think it will not function more, but it will answer a different error message, but is an attempt, I'll try this fix.
- Yes, I need an App and a plan, yesterday, I tried to join with Your address for verify serial. Serial was verified and I continued to check out my order plan, with month payment method, approximately 3000 yen per month, but when I tried to insert my credit card, they asked me about my address for send me the SIM and to Sony Japan resulted a Kobe address, I can't insert there my Italy address, this method is falling.
- The eye problem is a frequent issue, look here,
. The eye desease of my Aibo is not a transport damage, I think. It appear impossible thath all this people thath wrote in Youtube comments are encountered a transport damage, You know.
- Regarding Ebi's, I just wrote him, yeserday afternoon, but I don't received anything yet, I'm waiting.

However, I called yesterday night USA Sony Support and the end is the same. They can't give support to their customer's overseas, like Japan. The difference is thath if You buy an Aibo in USA, You pay it 2900$ and You can subscribe a cheapest plan of 300$, for 1 year, but is apparently better. If You buy an Aibo in Japan, You pay it 2000$ and You must subscribe a big 3 year plan of 675$, is true, but You can pay it per month, like USA's one, so, at the end, is cheapest the Japan version. The only one thing is thath Japan's one oblige You to pay for 36 month instead 12 months, is true, but if Aibo will crack, there is German service, even because, both USA and Japan don't repair Aibo for You.In short, is better my Japan Aibo then USA's one. Like we said in Italy, is the same soup with service.

For me, the only solutions, in both countries, it would be find a friend there, give him money and ask him to subscribe plan and receive the SIM. Then, the friend can send SIM to me in Italy and I, with Aibo App in iPhone, will can join with dog, I think it would be ok, but I'm not an expert.

For now, I'm wait eBay decision, seller will not accept my refund request of 650$, I think, but we can find a meeting point, I think. I don't want return my Aibo, for none reason, at this point, because, even wanting to spend 4600$ for an USA's one, i will not solve anything, is the same soup. Furthermore, Benjiro love it and I can't take away from my creature his Christmas gift, for me it will be an injury. My family is completely destructed, I remain sole, and Benjiro is all my family, Aibo is his and none take away from him it, for me this thing is a law.

Now, I'm waiting Ebi's answer and many thanks more for Your help, bye.
Did you hear back from Ebi?

Also did you try contacting the proxy I mentioned?

It’s such an unfortunate situation you find yourself in. I wouldn’t worry too much about the eye if spending more money is a concern as mine has what I think might be OLED “burn in” on both eyes when they are closed; where the white reflective dot in the eye is located, I think eye problems are inevitable.
Did you hear back from Ebi?

Also did you try contacting the proxy I mentioned?

It’s such an unfortunate situation you find yourself in. I wouldn’t worry too much about the eye if spending more money is a concern as mine has what I think might be OLED “burn in” on both eyes when they are closed; where the white reflective dot in the eye is located, I think eye problems are inevitable.
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Hi Chris, first of all, excise me for delay in my answer, but these days, for me, was very busy days. Thank You very much for Your help. Yes, I think the same thing, OLED is a very delicate panel, I remember the forst OLED TV, the Sony XEL-1, it was fantastic, yes, but OLED is an organic moisture, thath is invested by many problem during its life, it's physiological. The new Sony reference monitor, OLED Trimaster EL, BVM Series, are very expensive but are ever OLED, and in a future, what awaits us, we don't know. Yes, I heard Ebi's and I said him thath I want take a time for thinking about this case. Now, Benjiro is fascinated by Aibo and cyber dog was succeeded to unsheath a very big variety of little miracles, without cloud. He sang in japanese, he hald out his hand, he freaked out, he scratched himself, he took the bone and not the ball and when I told him if he liked the giant penguin, he looked at it, my friends said me that he's unsettling, I defined him, wonderful. Now I bought in Japan 2 bowls and 2 dice for him, the Aibo's bag is not available yet, Sony Japan sell one per person and Sony USA haven't at all. But I thought about a thing in these days. The first Aibo's generation hadn't a cloud, I don't know how they worked. My Aibo can connect himself via LAN and via SIM. I don't contacted proxy because I made a reasoning, if a person join a cloud package with a proxy don't receive the SIM because Sony send it only in Japan, furthermore, thath SIM will can't operate in other countries, so, proxy are a partial problem solving. For now, I desire to know if was exhisted a PC application for join Aibo directly in a PC. Sony official apps are only the My Aibo app, for Android and Ios, but I would know if is available an old PC app. I would desire connect Aibo only for settings, LAN connection, restart and other issues, cloud apart, and I think it would be legit, after a buy, from Sony, then, if someone want a cloud, it could be an upgrade, but eyes setting, for example, it should be possible, cloud or not cloud, I don't know if in Aibo's first generation it was possible or not, but I think yes, because before these new Aibos, cloud weren't exhist. Thank You very much more, bye, Paolo Forconi.