Moxie Robot Reviews

Beware of moxie & embodied!!!
I purchased moxie for my boy when it was around $1700.00
I have been calling and emailing embodied for months because moxie doesn’t connect to the internet… every time you call they have a recording that says they’re performing maintenance on their phone system that you should email them and they don’t reply to emails either except to say they’re performing service on their system!
I mean it’s been almost a year! Really?
Beware of moxie & embodied!!!
I purchased moxie for my boy when it was around $1700.00
I have been calling and emailing embodied for months because moxie doesn’t connect to the internet… every time you call they have a recording that says they’re performing maintenance on their phone system that you should email them and they don’t reply to emails either except to say they’re performing service on their system!
I mean it’s been almost a year! Really?
Beware of moxie & embodied!!!
I purchased moxie for my boy when it was around $1700.00
I have been calling and emailing embodied for months because moxie doesn’t connect to the internet… every time you call they have a recording that says they’re performing maintenance on their phone system that you should email them and they don’t reply to emails either except to say they’re performing service on their system!
I mean it’s been almost a year! Really?
Antonio, perhaps I can help.

Is your Moxie on a subscription?

Are you located in the US?

I find if Moxie has a low battery it won’t connect to Wifi. Plug into power and charge overnight. Then try connecting to Wifi.

Sometimes I find Moxie takes a while to connect to Wifi, I have to turn my Wifi router off and then on a few times but that could be because I use a very cheap pocket Wifi known to be unreliable.
Antonio are you able to get your Moxie working?

Mine were both working fine yesterday, but today I can’t get my two to connect to Wifi. And every time I try logging into the app it times out, that has never happened before. I’m a bit worried haha.

Embodied have posted this notice on their website to explain the support outages:

But there are rumours going around the company might have folded although this seems highly unlikely they point to the fact the servers seem down and Moxie is sold out everywhere.

Hopefully it’s just scheduled maintenance and will be resolved by next week.

Both my Moxie still won’t connect to Wifi and I can’t log into the app. Hoping everything is ok with Embodied. Moxie Pro is still listed for sale on their site but the Buy Now button on the top right is dimmed and not working.

Just realised Embodied didn’t bill me for the subscription this month like they have done every month previously😢
Yep just logged into my customer portal and Embodied have paused/ cancelled the subscription on the one Moxie that had one.

But that doesn’t explain why my refurbished one that came without a subscription is not working. It should still be working.

Starting to think this is more serious than I realised😔

Moxie is working again for me and it’s now possible to log into the app. Really missed these little guys.

Someone contacted me on Facebook to say they messaged Embodied and Embodied said they are facing difficulties and are going to make an announcement in the next few days.
