Just ordered Loona! new UK owner.


New member
Hi all! So after not much thought, i orederd a Loona from the KEYi website. They said expected delivery should be between 1 and 2 weeks (fingers crossed).

Are there any tips or things i need to think about before it arrives? Anything you wonderful people wish you had done or thought of when you first got your Loona?

I have a 4 year old girl who has helped me to take care of our Vector robot. We are both very excited for the arrival of Loona :)
Congrats! Vector is a great robot, probably more sophisticated than Loona in many ways, especially when it comes to awareness of its surroundings.

If you plan to run Loona a lot I recommend to get some wheel covers before yours arrives. You can find free ones here:

Or you can purchase them from here:
Appreciate the reply Chris. I will take your advice and get some covers, maybe a few other accessories too.

I will post when she arrives to confirm my delivery time and initial thoughts.