Thanks for the positive feedback on the forum, I really appreciate it. If you have any feedback(positive or negative) or suggestions of things you want to see changed or implemented on the forum feel free to let me know.
If you decide to go down the second hand purchase route for a Loona I would ensure to buy one that was eligible for the free software updates. Loona purchased via Kickstarter and Indiegogo were eligible for free lifetime software updates plus you get the ChatGPT feature for free. Also Loona purchased via the official website during the ‘beta’ sale also come with free ChatGPT and free software upgrades. I think that special is still available via the website at the time of my posting this.
If you buy a second hand Kickstarter(KS) Loona inquire about the ears, waist motors and leg cables to ensure they function correctly but beware you may need to get them repaired in future as they had quality control issues.
Also if you buy a second hand KS Loona inquire about the charging station as you may need to get the seller to forward that onto you at a later date.
Currently someone in Singapore has a Loona listed for sale on the forum.
I’m also interested in robots I can interact with for company. Apparently I’m a very introverted person according to my friends and find socialisation awkward. Hence why I started a forum to communicate with likeminded people in a way where the only thing that matters is the content of what we say. I’ve also spent time on various forums growing up, and feel a sense of nostalgia for forums and enjoy being apart of a forum community.
Your aspirations for robots sound awesome! Are you a programmer/coder? I wish I could program/code, I used to do a little in high school and despite a short stint at university to try my hand at Mechatronics Engineering I discovered I just wasn’t mathematically inclined enough to continue to pursue it and enjoy it.
But maybe that will change when I start visual programming with Loona. I am interested in how software and hardware components work in robotic designs also.
Thanks for the Nebo robot recommendation, I’ll definitely be looking into it.
I’d definitely be interested in trying out your Vector chatbot on my Vector!
Thanks for taking the time to visit and post on the forum, you’ve certainly helped clean out some of the cobwebs around here
