Recent content by himanshukr403

  1. H

    Remote control feature away from home

    Hey @Chris, When can we expect this? This will be icing on the cake 😉
  2. H

    Is there SDK available for Loona?

    Hello Chris, Thanks for your reply! Earlier I had Vector robot and used to try different programming as fun. So I was expecting the same from Loona.
  3. H

    Where to find Pledge Box ID(PBID)?

    Since I purchased a used Loona so I am not sure where to get Pledge Box ID(PBID) I need this to fill up form to get ear medical kit. My Loon's right ear is not working 😕
  4. H

    Remote control feature away from home

    How to make use of remote control feature when we are away from home and still watch our kids?
  5. H

    Is there SDK available for Loona?

    I am looking for python based Loona SDK. Is it available anywhere?