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Staff member

Members can buy, sell or trade their robotics goods or services here for free.

The administration has no authority over any transactions facilitated and cannot be held responsible for whatever results from buying, selling, or trading goods or services within the classifieds marketplace., RATH Forums, Administrators and Moderators neither accept nor assume any liability for any transactions undertaken on the site.

YOU are ultimately responsible for choosing to enter into a transaction or not, and following through with your decision!

Procedure For Creating A Classifieds Sales Thread

All listings MUST include:

• A price for the item.

• A clear photograph of the item.

•Do not bump a thread within 24 hours.

Posting images and or video of your items will increase your chances of a successful sale. Any video or photographs you post to a thread will be displayed across the banner of the forum- you can’t get better free advertising.

It is buyers responsibility to ensure the seller is legitimate.
Always perform a reverse image search on any images provided and request the seller provide photos with a copy of their handwritten username and corresponding date of posting.

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