Nicobo, a companion robot out of Japan by Panasonic.
Article on Nicobo from Panasonic:
Nicobo retails for around US$450 or 65,000 JPY Yen and requires a monthly subscription of around US$8.00 or 1,100 JPY Yen.
You can purchase Nicobo here:
Article on Nicobo from Panasonic:

NICOBO, a robot born out of empathy with consumers and sense of mission
What is the future of living with robots? Developed by Panasonic, NICOBO is a robot that just stays with you as a roommate. Explore the new value created by living with NICOBO.
Nicobo retails for around US$450 or 65,000 JPY Yen and requires a monthly subscription of around US$8.00 or 1,100 JPY Yen.
You can purchase Nicobo here: