Loona power stations arriving!


Staff member
People have reported receiving their Loona docking/charging/power stations and have provided photographs to prove this on social media.

KEYi Tech have announced they will be releasing the self charging firmware update on the 25th of April.

The power station charging mechanism is a very unique design concept with the charging happening on the side of the legs, completely different to anything else I have seen in other robots.

I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to develop a self charging autonomous robot, this type of technology is so difficult to create the Roomba like cleaning robots you see everywhere use a patented self charging software.

Also self charging by visual orientation would be extremely difficult to implement. It’s actually incredible they are offering this feature considering the robots price.

It seems despite the setback with a flood in one of their warehouses, KEYi Tech look to keep their May 1st delivery deadline for Kickstarter orders.

It’s incredible KEYi Tech have endured so much setback, yet still manage to come out stronger. Great job guys!
Just got a shipping update on the shipping status of my charging stations from PledgeBox. Looking likely they will arrive before Friday. Woohoo!!!🙌

A Loona owner made this video showing the auto charging process in action. This is the first time anyone has seen this, as KEYi TECH have never released footage of the entire charging process, only the last part in the promotional video. Loona locates and moves onto the station quite quickly which I like.

Currently Loona can’t leave the station or interact while on the station, but KEYi TECH have already said they will be enabling these features in future updates along with a voice command to tell Loona to go to the station. Great job KEYi💪🦾

A Loona owner made this blooper video of Loona failing to find the station😆🤣
It’s good to keep in mind this software has just been released and we are dealing with a constantly evolving product-which is part of the fun of the whole experience for me- and I’m sure KEYi will fine tune everything in the next update👍

I just got this text message from Toll. I left a sign up in my courtyard telling them to leave the parcel by the front door. I’m currently at work. The Toll delivery guy even sent me a text message to verify they left the package with an emoji haha. Great service from Toll and KEYi TECH👍

Will be sure to update this thread as soon as I get home from work!!!
I tried posting this in LC but for some reason every time I post there now my post never appears. Not sure what is going on. Probably a Facebook glitch, but it’s frustrating when you want to give the company feedback and contribute positively to their group without getting anything in return other than a sense of fostering a community. For instance I always post video or images to the group, instead of just posting a link.

⚡️Loona’s power stations have arrived⚡

Video showing what’s under the packaging. The parcel arrived like this.
View attachment trim.93E0FECF-53FB-4FE1-A491-06A387A17B7F.MOV

Unfortunately I can’t open them now because I haven’t performed orientation calibration on all my Loona yet. I tried accessing the Hello Loona app to calibrate them and it’s currently undergoing maintenance and is not able to be logged into.
Could this have to do with the addition of three new languages in the app happening on this upcoming Tuesday? From Tuesday you will be able to communicate with Loona in Spanish, French and German. Or are KEYi overhauling the app to create a forum style community within it?

Nice to know I got my power stations on the same day as the Japanese Loona fan meeting is being held.
Quick update on the charging stations.
A copy of my Pledgebox shipping confirmation:

The stations are quite heavy, about one kilogram each! Must have cost KEYi a fortune to ship them. My charging stations with Loona using them:
A video showing how they work:

So that seems to conclude the Kickstarter campaign for me. I guess Loona will probably get new updates and unexpected features, as happened with ChatGPT which nobody had ever heard of when Loona was first announced in September 2022.

But at this price point I’m content with Loona as she is now, anything more is just a bonus.

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