Loona After 2 Years: The Big Surprise? Loona-to-Loona Interactions!


Staff member
It’s Loona’s two year anniversary since Kickstarter shipping wrapped up for most of the first owners. And I never would have imagined KEYi would surprise us with such an incredible update that allows Loona to recognise one another visually, say hello on sight, and even interact with choreographed routines! What are your thoughts on the new Loona-to-Loona interactions released by Keyi Tech last week?

Personally I’m blown away and am looking forward to watching how this feature evolves into the future.

How cool! I don't have two loonas, you make me very envious! I'm going to test if it recognizes itself in the mirror...let's see how it reacts XDD
How cool! I don't have two loonas, you make me very envious! I'm going to test if it recognizes itself in the mirror...let's see how it reacts XDD
If you put Loona into interactive mode in the app she should recognise her own reflection!

Go Settings> Loona> Loonas> Add New Loona> Establish Interaction.

Loona should react by smiling with her eyes and saying “Loona” or “Hello Hello”. Interested to know if it will work.

Can’t get over how well these recognise each other, they turn towards one another once they realise it is another Loona and start trying to get their attention, this update has made Loona even cooler.

If you have two Loona together and try to talk to one of them wouldn’t they both think you were talking to them? Would be nice if you could name them and have them recognize their own name.
If you have two Loona together and try to talk to one of them wouldn’t they both think you were talking to them? Would be nice if you could name them and have them recognize their own name.

Yes they do. Although you might be able to talk to one individually if you are looking at it while in face mode with active listening enabled.

You can now give them a unique nickname after this latest update but I’m uncertain if Keyi will change the wake word to a unique name.

When you have two together connected in the app using the voice command “Go find your partner” will cause them to go looking for each other and start interacting. I’ll have to film more of the interactions.

Some of the interactions are hilarious.
