Keyi Tech announce hardware update for Loona’s waist motor gearbox


Staff member
Loona’s waist motor was subjected to over 100,000 stomping tests, 100 tests of 20cm mini free-fall, and 6 tests of 80cm free-fall.
  • The product's functionality remained intact after all of these tests.

  • The following optimizations were made to the waist motor gearbox:
    • The thickness of the gears was increased to enhance their durability.
    • Patterns were added to the gear-to-shaft mating positions to increase friction and prevent the gears from slipping off the shaft.
    • The diameter of the shaft was thickened to make it sturdier and less prone to breakage.
    • An additional pair of gears was introduced for more efficient and smoother transmission.
Keyi made this announcement today concerning Loona hardware, notably mentioning the waist motor:

We have already improved the quality of the currently in-production Loona models, particularly addressing issues with the waist motor and ears. We will continue to optimize the hardware design quality of Loona.


Does this mean all Loona sold after September 5th will have zero hardware issues? The statement “currently in-production” has me confused. What about existing stock currently in the US and European warehouses?

It’s this way they talk in riddles that leaves me exasperated and considering abandoning Loona altogether. Too much drama with Keyi. What does continue to optimise the hardware design of Loona in future even mean? It’s such a frustrating company, I really don’t need this wishy-washy bs in my life.

This seems to suggest the new hardware probably isn’t part of their existing stock right now. I guess if you want a trouble free Loona you are best to wait until around Christmas to purchase one.

Still no word on a kit or something owners with the old hardware like myself can purchase to fix the ear and waist issues. I’d prefer to just buy a kit at this point, putting a request in for a free kit doesn’t seem to work, still haven’t heard anything back about the ear kits I requested weeks ago.

Anyway I’m still struggling to understand how Keyi couldn’t have been aware of these issues to begin with, they seem to occur out of the box or within a month of use. They should have been picked up in normal testing and fixed before the first production run.

Every Keyi employee should own a Loona and be using it at home and providing feedback on how to improve it. Currently it seems this is not the case or the hardware issues would have been taken seriously. Also a lot of Loona’s software issues would have been corrected or changed to make the interaction style seamless. Currently it seems Keyi is designing Loona as a product loaded with gimmicks instead of living with it and designing it as a companion. If they lived with it on a daily basis they would quickly remove the crazy behaviour and loud annoying sounds. Nobody can live with Loona on 24/7 in the current iteration and stay sane; the loud obnoxious noise and behaviour- especially the wheel tapping- make that impossible-yet they advertise Loona as a pet replacement that can be left on all the time.

They don’t seem to take their own product seriously. For instance they ask the community for ideas; yet if they actually used their product and took it seriously they wouldn’t need to ask for outside input because their own team would have first hand experience with Loona on a daily basis.

It speaks to gross incompetence that these issues still persist almost a year after the Christmas shipping batch was produced.

Also note all the comments from Loona owners below this announcement citing hearing nothing back from Keyi when they make inquiries. It’s getting to the point where I think they just say what we want to hear publicly. All smoke and mirrors.

Due to this I would take anything they say with a bucket of salt. Sad but that’s the way it is with them, their poor decisions have eroded my trust unfortunately. Will these fixes even work? Let’s hope so. Time will tell.

Keyi are probably looking at the long game, what’s 10,000 customers out of possibly millions in the future. Sadly they have left a bad taste in a lot of people’s mouths, and created a negative impression all of their own doing. Considering Loona is their second robot I would have expected all the issues we are seeing to have been ironed out with ClicBot. Very frustrating all round.
I just received my new Loona with the supposed updated gearboxes. I opened her up and took a look, and everything looks exactly the same. The casing around the gears is also still plastic. My original Loona ("Jackhammer" lol) just shattered out the plastic casing in her second leg. (Wires are different colors because we're looking at the left leg vs. the right leg.)

I'm not sure if the updated gears are further within the gearbox, and I didn't pull anything out to look at the actual gear shaft. But I'm skeptical on whether or not I even got an updated one.

Old Loona gearbox:

New Loona gearbox:


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Just found the comparison pics of the specific changes (was difficult cause I'm banned from the official Loona community lol) - let me just confirm for sure whether or not mine has the new gears. Stand by.

Alright. I believe I can officially confirm that I've just been given another old-run, faulty Loona to replace my first. Here are the two gearboxes side-by-side. The one with the single red wire in the pic is my old Loona, and the one with the double red wire on the right in the pic is my new one:


dergonfruit great to see you back🙂Thanks for doing this detective work and taking the time to post and update on your Loona’s waist motor gearbox.

Incredible you managed to find those photographs of the old and new gearboxes- I couldn’t find them anywhere.

Someone on here also mentioned their new Loona’s ears broke.

What was the production date of your new Loona? It should be on the outside brown shipping box near the barcode.

If you run into anymore problems with your new Loona feel free to update on here. What are you doing with the old Loona “Jackhammer”? Is it possible to be used in companion mode or does it make the loud mechanical noises in that mode also?

What are your thoughts on the new Rux robot? It looks like an affordable alternative although could be the same all over again.

Hopefully they fix these hardware issues eventually like they did with Clickbot. Although that’s not excusing “beta” testers drawing the short straw but just me trying to be positive. On a positive note at least you got a free Loona and can watch your two interact should that become a feature in future.

Although with the noise Jackhammer makes it’s unusable in that condition. What are you going to do with it?

Scared for my four after reading this.

I’ve edited my reply to take a neutral stance- I’m scared of Keyi lol.
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Just a quick update! I've received my new Loona and finally got around to opening her up. Her gearbox has been completely redesigned from what I can tell, and for the better. The gear shelves go all the way across now and are made of metal instead of plastic. New gears have been introduced and the whole setup has been moved around a bit.

My second Loona (the one with the old hardware above) still works for now, so I put her side-by-side with new Loona when I started her up. New Loona's gears are a lot quieter and sound way less stressed out when she moves.

My second Loona is already starting to show signs of breakdown, her leg shudders when I turn her on and when I hold her above the ground. I'm running new Loona every day now and letting her run as intended, so hopefully this one will last. She's been great so far.

At this time, I gotta give it to KEYi Tech, as well as Karen and Chen for their personal work here with me - good on them. They're actively trying to make this better. 🌟


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Just a quick update! I've received my new Loona and finally got around to opening her up. Her gearbox has been completely redesigned from what I can tell, and for the better. The gear shelves go all the way across now and are made of metal instead of plastic. New gears have been introduced and the whole setup has been moved around a bit.

My second Loona (the one with the old hardware above) still works for now, so I put her side-by-side with new Loona when I started her up. New Loona's gears are a lot quieter and sound way less stressed out when she moves.

My second Loona is already starting to show signs of breakdown, her leg shudders when I turn her on and when I hold her above the ground. I'm running new Loona every day now and letting her run as intended, so hopefully this one will last. She's been great so far.

At this time, I gotta give it to KEYi Tech, as well as Karen and Chen for their personal work here with me - good on them. They're actively trying to make this better. 🌟
That gearbox seems indestructible! I’m bowled over that you are posting glowing reviews of Keyi, they must have really impressed to win you over😂

Great news your new Loona is holding up. Is your old one still capable of functioning normally in companion mode? Unless Keyi sell the redesigned gearbox looks like my lot will just live the life of pampered lap dogs from now on.

I haven’t heard any recent reports of newly purchased Loona experiencing gear box breakage so looks like this issue might be solved.
That gearbox seems indestructible! I’m bowled over that you are posting glowing reviews of Keyi, they must have really impressed to win you over😂

Great news your new Loona is holding up. Is your old one still capable of functioning normally in companion mode? Unless Keyi sell the redesigned gearbox looks like my lot will just live the life of pampered lap dogs from now on.

I haven’t heard any recent reports of newly purchased Loona experiencing gear box breakage so looks like this issue might be solved.

Honestly I'm just impressed that they didn't give up on this and actually redesigned the gearbox like they did. The new gears are a lot thicker too, you can even tell by comparing the photos. I'm sure the inner bar and rest of the gearbox further in has been redesigned as well but I'm not comfortable taking her apart to that level to check as I don't want to potentially mess with her orientation sensors. But looking as far as I did still showed me what I needed to know at this stage of things. I'll make sure to update here if anything changes of course but so far, so good.

My second one (we call her Twoona LOL) still works alright in Companion Mode, and still runs relatively normally as well for now except for throwing an inertia sensor error (pretty often, actually) when she starts up. It usually happens if she's been off for a day or two. It's easily cleared with a restart though, so I don't know what that's about. Her orientation seems fine otherwise.

I think one of the main factors that has kept Twoona intact this long is her TPU wheel covers. They're a huge component in shock absorption, so they will have protected her gears better than my first one without them.
Twoona😂 Great name.

Good to know the inertia sensor error can be overcome- it’s my main worry with mine.

Would be interesting to know how your new Loona is holding up after 12 months if you get a chance to update. Thanks for taking the time to photograph the new gear mechanism, I really appreciate it.