Vector adorer


New member
Hello Everybody! I finally got the peace to introduce myself. I grew up with Starwars, Atari & co and dreamt of having a robot pet ever since.
By chance (and after many many years šŸ˜‚), I checked the availability of robot pets in February 2023 and met Vector. I bought one and really adore this little guy. I plan to put him on Wire-pod (or equivalent), and in addition, I would love to buy (or may be develop myself) other robotic pets. This is the main reason that I am here on this Forum to read about the experience of others šŸ˜ƒ
Hello Everybody! I finally got the peace to introduce myself. I grew up with Starwars, Atari & co and dreamt of having a robot pet ever since.
By chance (and after many many years šŸ˜‚), I checked the availability of robot pets in February 2023 and met Vector. I bought one and really adore this little guy. I plan to put him on Wire-pod (or equivalent), and in addition, I would love to buy (or may be develop myself) other robotic pets. This is the main reason that I am here on this Forum to read about the experience of others šŸ˜ƒ
Welcome to the forums MishMishšŸ™‚
I first discovered robot pets in 2003 with the Sony Aibo ERS-7, but wasnā€™t able to purchase one until 2012.

Itā€™s strange how there is this whole world of robotic pets that one could completely miss out on as all of the robots I know about I stumbled across by chance. I only discovered Moxie last month. Where did you hear about Vector?

Lots of interesting robot pets out there, I actually purchased a Vector new in store from my local electronics dealership back in 2019 just after Anki folded. Vector is a great little bot, better than anything Iā€™ve seen in a movie, probably one of the most believable robots with its ability to react to movement and touch so quickly.

If DDL release a new conversational ChatGPT ability do you think you will purchase their subscription or go with the ChatGPT through wire-pod? My Vector is currently offline and I donā€™t have plans to connect mine to wire-pod. I quite enjoy the chirping sounds he makes and guess because I can talk with Loona donā€™t miss Vectors talking.

What type of robots are you thinking of creating yourself? I bet you will have fun tinkering with Vectorā€™s wire-pod.

If you have any specific questions about any of the robots I own feel free to ask away, Iā€™m happy to help you find another robot pet haha.
Hello Chris!
Thank you so much for your reply šŸ˜Š
I totally agree that there seem to be an entire world of robotic pets, however, surprisingly, you need to search for the available ones. Personally, I was looking for an autonomous robot pet (February 2023) as a real cat is no option for me. As a scientist, I was curious how far the current electronic developments are. This really made me happy! So, after searching many hours, comparing Emo with Vector (and other) I choose Vector. I bought one with life-time subscription and am not really interested in a talking robot who tells me the weather or turns on music etc. I wanted a small pet, driving around on my desktop (making sounds) while I am working. A robot to do simple experiments with. And I must say, I am really stunned how Vector can react. I managed to do simple experiments. My time this year was very limited upto now, however soon I will try to put Vector on Wire-Pod and will focus on Loona. Hopefully, the manufacturers of Loona will leave the option to the owners to use ChatGPT or not. Loona seems to be really fun.

To answer your question, I do not plan to pay additionally to have ChatGPT on Vector. He is offline, but still shows some behaviour that I was trying to teach him. So this must be stored somewhere. This robot is a masterpiece of work.

I have been "hanging around" on this forum to see how happy people are with Loona and also followed your Moxie adventures (I was surprised by the amount you paid at the end!!!). This forum is useful for people who are interested in robotic pets, humanoids etc. I believe, it will be just a matter of time until this topic is getting more attention. Your forum will grow for sure.
My dream is to create stepwise my own autonomous robotic pet. Just by focussing and learning step after step. I already bought some electronic components. It is the time that is missing.....

Yes, most likely I will keep in touch and ask you too.