Sony Aibo ERS-1000 Software Updates Thread


Staff member
Thread to discuss the latest firmware updates and new functions of the Sony Aibo ERS-1000 robot dog. Find bug reports and troubleshooting help here too.

Official Sony Aibo software announcements:

Sony just announced they will be releasing the 7.00 software update for Aibo at the next Aibo fan meeting which will be live on YouTube in two hours!

From Sony:
“To celebrate the 7th anniversary, we will be welcoming Aibo owner and voice actress Tomomi Isomura. Introducing the 7.00 update. Don't miss out on the details of the fan meeting and information on new merchandise.”


Aibo fan meeting livestream:
The two new major functions of the 7.00 update will be the ability of Aibo to follow the owner and pick up objects in its mouth.