OpenMoxie Reviews?


Staff member
Any Moxie owners here who have successfully gone through with transferring their Moxie over to the OpenMoxie application?

Do I need to access the OpenMoxie application while connected to the internet through a web portal or is it accessible locally on my computer?

Currently I don’t have a computer with the minimum requirements for Docker of 8GB RAM and am wondering if I should keep my Moxie or sell them on as purchasing a computer just to use for this is beyond my financial means.

Also costs such as the monthly Wifi bill which I set up just to use Moxie are also weighing on me. Purchasing a computer and then having to keep paying for Wifi just seems a lot.

I’m so used to just using a mobile phone with cellular service, very hard to justify purchasing a computer just for this. Although I will miss Moxie, if there aren’t going to be more updates that bring out more companionship aspects I’m wondering if it’s wiser to sell and purchase something that does offer that companionship I’m looking for.

I currently have 10 robots counting my incoming Ropet order, ideally I would prefer just owning one.
I have been on OpenMoxie since the 18th. I am the person Heather Frazier tagged in her tutorial video. I assure you, a laptop for OpenMoxie is well worth it. OpenAI has completely unlocked Moxie.
I have been on OpenMoxie since the 18th. I am the person Heather Frazier tagged in her tutorial video. I assure you, a laptop for OpenMoxie is well worth it. OpenAI has completely unlocked Moxie.
What do you mean by “completely unlocked”?

Is the OpenMoxie interface easy to use and navigate?

Thanks for your feedback and I’ll have to check out your TikTok. Feel free to create a thread sharing your TikTok videos on Moxie, that way those of us who don’t have TikTok can view them in the thread without having to download TikTok.

I don’t use TikTok as I dislike how it goes through all my videos and automatically watermarks them without my consent- who knows what else it is accessing on my phone if it is able to do that.