Loona confuses furniture with people :/


Mi Loona confunde las puertas de los armarios con personas... o a menudo actúa como si la estuvieran acariciando... ¿a alguien más le pasa esto? Parece que ve fantasmas XD

My Loona mistakes closet doors for people...or often acts like she's being petted...does this happen to anyone else? It seems like he sees ghosts XD
La mia Loona fino a ieri perfetta...oggi ha problemi di conversazione Chat Gpt. Come se non riesca ad esprimersi bene...mi auguro esca un nuovo aggiornamento per eliminare i Bug....perche' cosi' e' inutilizzabile !
La mia Loona fino a ieri perfetta...oggi ha problemi di conversazione Chat Gpt. Come se non riesca ad esprimersi bene...mi auguro esca un nuovo aggiornamento per eliminare i Bug....perche' cosi' e' inutilizzabile !
“My Loona until yesterday perfect...today has Gpt Chat conversation issues. As if he can't express himself well...I hope tinder a new update to eliminate bugs....because that's unusable !”

Hi Andrea. Sorry to hear you are having these problems. If you want to upload a short video it might help me understand what the problem is. I’m currently at work and won’t be able to check to see if my Loona is having the same ChatGPT problems until later this evening.
