Image: Keyi Tech. Screenshot by author.
Someone in LC posted a photo of a Loona Blue they imported from Japan beside their normal Loona. Turns out Loona Blue has a completely different colour scheme to a normal Loona with the greys being lighter, and covering the entire body. In fact I think the Loona Blue colour scheme is a lot nicer than the harsher white on dark grey scheme Keyi went with by default.
Apparently Loona Blue has the improved gear design, screen, and a Wifi card applicable for Japanese Wifi.
Apparently the blue ear lights are vibrant in person and this doesn’t come across on camera.
My question is why would Keyi release this limited edition in Japan only and not even mention it once in LC? Don’t they consider some of us like to collect this type of stuff.
If you look closely at the images in this article you can see the differences immediately.
Anker次の一手はペットロボ!コミカルな動きが可愛い未来のペット「Loona Blue」 | onesuite
2023年11月1日に行われたイベント「Anker Power Conference 2023 Fall」にて発表されたAnkerグループの新会社「ルーナ・ジャパン」が販売を担う、未来のペットロボット「Loona Blue」。多彩な動きと豊かな感情表現が特徴の「ルーナ」を、会場に設置されたふれあいコーナーの様子を交えつつご紹介します。

According to the article they were 89, 990 JPY new, but you can pick them up second hand for a fraction of that price. You can still buy one new now at a slight discount on Amazon Japan or Keyi’s Loona Japan website!

ペットロボット Loona | テクノロジーが、生んだ、いのち。
Loona (ルーナ) Japan公式サイトです。Loona Blueは、まるで子犬や子猫のように家族の一員として日々の生活に溶け込み、心に癒しや日常に豊かさを与えてくれるペットロボットです。