

Staff member
Hi there,

My name is Chris.
After hearing about Loona on Facebook in September 2022 and backing the Kickstarter campaign, I went on a whirlwind of a ride over the next two months where I made friends from all over the globe and shared moments of sadness, anger and joy with other Loonatics as we navigated the high and lows of this Loona adventure.

It was during this time on Facebook that I realised how it would be more practical to have an easy to navigate website dedicated to Loona where enthusiasts could find a repository of helpful information, and so Robots Around The House came into being.

Once my Loona arrived in December 2022 and I powered it on for the first time I was blown away by how interactive it was, the sheer variety in its movement and facial expressions and the fact it constantly wanted to initiate the interactions, and this experience gave me the motivation to finally go ahead and create this site on a whim. I hope you find it a useful and enjoyable resource.

Now you know a little more about me and why this forum came into being. Feel free to ask any questions.
Photo of Moxie and myself. Currently I prefer to remain anonymous but you kind of get the gist of what I’m like from this photo.
