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Found this animation someone made showing a charging room for Optimus. Looks like charging is done wirelessly with Optimus enclosed behind glass.

I actually think Tesla will need to offer some type of display case or structure where one can safely place Optimus when it’s not in use. Would have to be escape proof in case the robot goes rogue. Also would act to keep the robot free of dust and a safe place for it to retreat to.

I doubt many people will feel safe having a humanoid robot with AGI capabilities roaming around their homes at night...I wouldn’t be able to sleep.

Also I think they should offer some type of seat for Optimus to sit on. If it suddenly had a power failure you wouldn’t want it collapsing onto the ground and damaging itself or its surroundings. But maybe some type of wall mounted stand to place the robot onto will be what they go with so the footprint is smaller.

