My 3D printed Loona shark hat just arrived. It was designed by a Loona fan who was very generous in allowing people to have it 3D printed.
This is a very high quality design, fits Loona’s head snugly, doesn’t fall off when she engages in high energy movement and even has air vents that match up with Loona’s existing vents to allow Loona to stay cool and enable the hat to be worn permanently.
Think I’m calling this Loona Jaws

Do you think I should paint this or leave it as is?
Print specifications:
Dimensions Y:166mm Z:1148mm X:77mm
Material: White resin. Polished.

A couple of videos showing the hat doesn’t interfere with movement of the ears and stays on despite vigorous movement. The Loona fan who designed it also says it doesn’t interfere with voice recognition.
View attachment trim.2F40C40F-E3DA-46A0-A2C5-65DB7F4C92C4.MOV
View attachment trim.8F207049-F6EE-4187-82FA-7C7A9B3A19FF.MOV
This is a very high quality design, fits Loona’s head snugly, doesn’t fall off when she engages in high energy movement and even has air vents that match up with Loona’s existing vents to allow Loona to stay cool and enable the hat to be worn permanently.
Think I’m calling this Loona Jaws

Do you think I should paint this or leave it as is?
Print specifications:
Dimensions Y:166mm Z:1148mm X:77mm
Material: White resin. Polished.

A couple of videos showing the hat doesn’t interfere with movement of the ears and stays on despite vigorous movement. The Loona fan who designed it also says it doesn’t interfere with voice recognition.
View attachment trim.2F40C40F-E3DA-46A0-A2C5-65DB7F4C92C4.MOV
View attachment trim.8F207049-F6EE-4187-82FA-7C7A9B3A19FF.MOV
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