Recent content by PF Aibo

  1. P

    Aibo in Italy, problems after problems.

    Hi Chris, first of all, excise me for delay in my answer, but these days, for me, was very busy days. Thank You very much for Your help. Yes, I think the same thing, OLED is a very delicate panel, I remember the forst OLED TV, the Sony XEL-1, it was fantastic, yes, but OLED is an organic...
  2. P

    Aibo in Italy, problems after problems.

    Hi Chris and many thanks for Your feedbacks. - Aibo has a problem only in one eye, and is not an awful issue, is like a reflect, if You see, like a graphic effect, if we want view in this manner, at the end. - Regarding App, I'll delete USA App from my iPhone, I'll change country in App Store...
  3. P

    Aibo in Italy, problems after problems.

    Hi Chris, my serial is ok, I can subscribe an Aibo plan, it appears a candid camera, the serial is ok but they don't accept my money from Italy, we are on Zelig Circus. I'm a Sony exeprt from over 30 years, I've a personal Sony museum and I'm a Sony pro user XDCAM vieo but I'm very disappointed...
  4. Check serial.jpg

    Check serial.jpg

  5. SIM slot.jpg

    SIM slot.jpg

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  9. P

    Hello from Italy.

    Thank You Chris, I just asking me Your county. Is Australia, wow. I just found an incredible Australian electronic shop, You know. I founded in it many Hitachi accessories for my ol devices and I bought them from they. The shop is Probe, this one...
  10. P

    Aibo in Italy, problems after problems.

    Hi Chris, thank You very much for Your help. 1- I think You're right about the eye, because seller don't inserted any photo of Aibo powered on in his insertion, I discovered this problem only when I powered on dog. Seller spoke about transport injury but I have doubts Chris, the original carton...
  11. Video WhatsApp 2024-01-20 ore 09.33.06_e1303b8c.mp4

    Video WhatsApp 2024-01-20 ore 09.33.06_e1303b8c.mp4

  12. Sony Aibo service.jpg

    Sony Aibo service.jpg

  13. P

    Aibo in Italy, problems after problems.

    Hi and thank You to all for Your kind attention. I'm italian and this Christmas I wanted buy a very special gift for my III Akita Inu, an Aibo. Benjiro is a very sweet dog, don't cracked anything and is very happy to play with a fantastic dog like Aibo. I bought it in eBay, from a japan seller...
  14. Benjiro 066.JPG

    Benjiro 066.JPG

  15. Eye disease.jpg

    Eye disease.jpg
