How do I pre-order a Tesla Bot?


New member
When is Tesla enabling pre-orders for its ‘Tesla Bot’ humanoid robot?

I’m looking to secure my spot ASAP as Tesla pre-orders only require a low deposit and are cheaper than paying retail.

Staff at my local Tesla showroom on washington street didn’t know anything about it.

Keeping my eyes peeled for an order button but can’t find one anywhere on the Tesla website.

Can you let me know when the pre-order button shows up?
Pace of development for this robot is extremely fast. My prediction is pre-orders will open on the next Tesla AI Day 2023 but I can’t forecast an exact date as Tesla AI day 2021 was on a different date to Tesla AI day 2022.

Tesla just held an event for the first time called ‘Tesla Investor day’ where they gave an update on Optimus so I think Tesla is so unpredictable I wouldn’t feel confident giving an exact time.

At 1:48:12 in the below video of Tesla Investor Day 2023 there is a time stamp called ‘Bot Update with Elon Musk and Ashok Elluswamy’ but this is incorrect. The actual time stamp is 1:30:30.

We see an Optimus prototype that can now walk and manipulate hand tools with ease. It seems like Optimus has made massive strides but looks to be still in the prototype phase.

I will definitely post an update here when pre-orders open, after placing mine first of course😎