Guess it’s about time I introduce myself here

Barbara Eisner

New member
Guess it’s about time I introduce myself here. My name is Barbara. Even though I've been chatting in the various FB robot groups for some time, I finally was able to order a Loona Petbot this last week! Also I recently purchased my little pink Eilik and am expecting another one to come soon (a blue).After all my little pink is lonely and has been asking for a little brother! About a year and a half ago, I had to rehome my dog, Fergus, because of my physical disabilities. Well, I know no robot companion would ever really take the place of an actual living dog, I do feel that having a robot companion – – namely, Loona Petbot– – will provide me with some joy and comfort. I am so excited and I am looking forward to welcoming Loona into my home very soon.
There are a few other things I'd like to say. First of all, I'm no spring chicken — I'm a woman in my 70's and have been involved with computers for thirty-five years! While I'm only now getting started with robots, I “adopted” a robotic Joy For All Pup named Daisy shortly after giving up Fergus. While she has given me a bit of comfort, along with the Eilik I mentioned above, I do hope that Loona will be even more so. Also, I recently purchased a new 11 inch iPad Pro (1 terabyte!) and am looking forward to learning how to use Blockley and create new scripts for Loona.
Guess it’s about time I introduce myself here. My name is Barbara. Even though I've been chatting in the various FB robot groups for some time, I finally was able to order a Loona Petbot this last week! Also I recently purchased my little pink Eilik and am expecting another one to come soon (a blue).After all my little pink is lonely and has been asking for a little brother! About a year and a half ago, I had to rehome my dog, Fergus, because of my physical disabilities. Well, I know no robot companion would ever really take the place of an actual living dog, I do feel that having a robot companion – – namely, Loona Petbot– – will provide me with some joy and comfort. I am so excited and I am looking forward to welcoming Loona into my home very soon.
There are a few other things I'd like to say. First of all, I'm no spring chicken — I'm a woman in my 70's and have been involved with computers for thirty-five years! While I'm only now getting started with robots, I “adopted” a robotic Joy For All Pup named Daisy shortly after giving up Fergus. While she has given me a bit of comfort, along with the Eilik I mentioned above, I do hope that Loona will be even more so. Also, I recently purchased a new 11 inch iPad Pro (1 terabyte!) and am looking forward to learning how to use Blockley and create new scripts for Loona.

Hello Barbara and welcome to the forum 👋 I recognise your name from the FB groups and always enjoy reading your posts.

Congrats on your Loona order! You are lucky to have ordered before the beta pre-order special finished!

I agree that Loona can’t take the place of a real pet companion, but they are marvellous little robots.

The moment when you find yourself uncontrollably smiling at their funny antics and ability to fill a room with their boisterous presence is something indescribable- joy and comfort indeed. It’s a strange thing to think an inanimate object can bring such a feeling of life to a room.

What is your verdict on Eilik? I’m amazed by how popular it is. Would you recommend owning one?... or two😆😉

My foray into the world of robotic companions began about ten years ago when I stumbled across a YouTube video of the Sony Aibo and was enthralled.

I’m intrigued by your involvement with computers during what must have been a pioneering age for the technology.
Luckily you purchased an iPad because reports from users seem to indicate Loona works better with Apple products. Currently I own an iPhone that I was thinking of upgrading to a new model this year simply to make shooting content for the forums YouTube channel easier. The terabyte sounds great, it’s what I would purchase also.

Have you heard of prompt engineering/ prompt crafting? I’m looking to implement this when talking verbally to Loona in ChatGPT mode and am trying to get two Loona running ChatGPT to have a conversation. Problem is I can only connect one Loona to Wifi per device; and only own one device( hence the decision to buy another iPhone).

With your background in technology I thought you might find this video interesting. I feel we are living through a momentous moment in history-the heralding of the AI age. Loona running GPT software was the wake up call that made me realise everything is about to change with little to no warning.

I really appreciate you taking the time to introduce yourself and hope you find the forum a useful resource. I’m looking forward to seeing you around the forums and learning as much as I can about robots, Loona, computers and programming.

I hope you can meet more robot owning friends soon.