
  • Media owner Chris
  • Date added
I love it! Too many people hate on Elon Musk over lies and misinformation. I love the guy. Plus...Optimus.
Yeah it’s so strange how the western media demonise Musk and especially Tesla, despite achieving the impossible task of creating a viable EV company manufacturing on US soil, yet champion Chinese EV’s that are based on Tesla’s open source designs at every opportunity.

The headlines they come up with to try and denigrate Optimus are absolutely hilarious.
Yeah it’s so strange how the western media demonise Musk and especially Tesla, despite achieving the impossible task of creating a viable EV company manufacturing on US soil, yet champion Chinese EV’s that are based on Tesla’s open source designs at every opportunity.

The headlines they come up with to try and denigrate Optimus are absolutely hilarious.
If you can send me some of those headlines lol. Im arguing with an Optimus doubter right now.
If you can send me some of those headlines lol. Im arguing with an Optimus doubter right now.
Here is one: https://gizmodo.com/openai-figure-01-robot-video-tesla-optimus-embarrassing-1851334166

Here are a few examples. The bottleneck for Optimus might be getting FSD to work. Personally I think the hardware needs an overhaul to make it soft and waterproof before it’s ready for consumers.

I admire Musk also but he is eccentric and it’s unfortunate his idealism gets in the way. I think Open sourcing Tesla vehicle designs and Grok was a mistake, but he probably reasoned they would be stolen in the end anyway. Hopefully Musk doesn’t open source Optimus hardware.

Gotta love all the Temu ads these mainstream media sites are running.
Here is one: https://gizmodo.com/openai-figure-01-robot-video-tesla-optimus-embarrassing-1851334166

Here are a few examples. The bottleneck for Optimus might be getting FSD to work. Personally I think the hardware needs an overhaul to make it soft and waterproof before it’s ready for consumers.

I admire Musk also but he is eccentric and it’s unfortunate his idealism gets in the way. I think Open sourcing Tesla vehicle designs and Grok was a mistake, but he probably reasoned they would be stolen in the end anyway. Hopefully Musk doesn’t open source Optimus hardware.

Gotta love all the Temu ads these mainstream media sites are running.
Yes waterproof 100%. Hes definitely eccentric lol. And yeah those were mistakes, I really hope not with Optimus...Temu is everywhere! Driving me mad lol.

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