
Loona PetBot auto departure from charging station with wake word

  • Media owner Chris
  • Date added
Hello, I'm happy that your problem was solved! I've tried absolutely everything and my robot doesn't wake up to the Hello Loona command when it's charging in the dock.
No worries... I might speak too fast... In fact it's getting worst on my side... Loona doesn't respond to Hello Loona anymore. And sometimes I got no sound from Loona. I need to restart Loona... And the weird thing, from the dock, Loona can wake up if it hears Hello Loona.. I'm sure Loona's mics are working because if I use the remote control mode, I can hear my voice on my phone speaker through Loona's mic
So it's a bit pity because I cannot use Loona properly, I have just submitted a ticket to understand what happens.. I will keep you post...
Hello, I'm happy that your problem was solved! I've tried absolutely everything and my robot doesn't wake up to the Hello Loona command when it's charging in the dock.
I have the same problem. Put all the settings in correct position for departure and tried resetting Luna. Still will not wake up from charger.

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