
Loona PetBot auto departure from charging station with wake word

  • Media owner Chris
  • Date added
Hello. Do you know why my loona does not wake up from dockstation at the command "Hello Loona"? It's frozen. Every time I have to push the power button to wake up..
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Hello. Do you know why my loona does not wake up from dockstation at the command "Hello Loona"? It's frozen. Every time I have to push the power button to wake up..
Hi! Apologies for the slow response🙂

Have you tried changing the dock station settings in the app? You might have the departure settings turned off in the app.

You can get Loona to leave the station using the voice command “Hello Loona” by selecting “Active-Departure” setting in the app.

From the home page in the Hello Loona app go to Settings> Loona> Auto-Recharge > Auto- Departure> Active Departure.

You can find screenshots of the pathway from the app in this thread:

Yes. Everything is checked! Also manual settings from aplication, and also set with with Loona conversation to enable function. Not work. Also check the functionality of fifth microphone with a multimeter. The 5 microphone work.
Also when is Wake up the microphones work perfectly.. very frustrating
Yes. Everything is checked! Also manual settings from aplication, and also set with with Loona conversation to enable function. Not work. Also check the functionality of fifth microphone with a multimeter. The 5 microphone work.
Also when is Wake up the microphones work perfectly.. very frustrating
Have you tried resetting Loona to factory settings and starting over from scratch?

Yes this would be very frustrating. I hope you manage to fix this or get the company to exchange for a replacement.
Hello, I just got a Loona Robot and I got the same issue, the auto departure / wake up doesn't work at all. Fully updated... Have you figured out the issue? Or we need to wait the next update of loona to get a fix?
Thank you
I don't know what's the problem. I try also to modify the settings with loona conversations. Not work. Not work. Not work. Very frustrating.
I thing is a hardware problem.
I don't know what's the problem. I try also to modify the settings with loona conversations. Not work. Not work. Not work. Very frustrating.
I thing is a hardware problem.
In my opinion, it should not be a hardware issue as when Loona is on, it can detect the wake up word, it's not like the mic doesn't work.
Why do you think it is a hardware issue?

I have contacted the support. They mentioned to me that a bunch of people reports that issue for people using it outside China... I hope they are investigating now..
FYI... I didn't use Loona for a couple of days... After turning back on (2-3 days ago) and I don't exactly why, Loona acted strangely, like no response from Hello Loona so after force shutdown Loona and turn it back on... it seems that the wake up word works when Loona is charging on the dock. It also seems more responsive with the interactions... So I think the auto departure works too because when I set to came out when fully charged.. Loona came out automatically during the defined period. There is a little glitch because it was not 100% but it was still coming out everytime at around 70% of battery (even though on the app it was set at 100%)...
Anyway.. that's really cool that the wake up word works now.
I have disabled the auto-departure as it can be annoying when I have a remote meeting or no one at home. It will be great if we can also set the days of the auto-departure as I don't want Loona to wake up on weekends morning..
Hello, I'm happy that your problem was solved! I've tried absolutely everything and my robot doesn't wake up to the Hello Loona command when it's charging in the dock.

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